Feb 22, 2012

Recipe of the Week: Awesome Enchiladas

Hungry?   Good!
You're just in time for the recipe of the week:

Happy eating!

Feb 14, 2012

Bride for a Day, Wife for Life

Today's post is just in time for Valentine's Day:

(If you are reading this, please be sure to note my new blog addy when you click on the link above.)

Happy Valentine's Day,

Feb 13, 2012

Daily Bread

Come join me as I start this week with a Monday musing here:

Happy Monday!

Feb 7, 2012

Pier 1 and I meet again!

Check out my latest blog post and see what's new at Pier1 (and my dining room!)

Feb 6, 2012

It's the first Monday in February:  time to start the annual countdown to spring and planting dates! If you haven't yet switched to following me on Wordpress, here's the latest and greatest (well, that's questionable!) news from my little corner of the world:

Happy Monday,
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Feb 3, 2012

Pinspired Project: Chewy Granola Bars

My latest post at my new Wordpress blog is short and sweet.  And a little chewy!  Check it out:
Happy pinning!

Feb 1, 2012

Recipe of the Week: Sausage Muffin Bites

Just dropping by to say check out this week's recipe, Sausage Muffin Bites - perfect for this Sunday's Big Game.

Happy cooking,

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