Sep 24, 2010

Clean Desk Mission Week 9: Whaddaya mean, this isn't organized?

So here I was, merrily cruising along, patting myself on the back for maintaining an organized desk (for two months and counting!) Okay, so the last couple of days have been a little less-than-organized, but the chaos was quickly brought back under control before I took this shot today:

And then I read this post from and suddenly I'm second-guessing myself.  Is the desk merely "clean" or is it organized?  Talk about bursting my bubble.  But in my defense, I did clear out all the extra pens, post-it-notes and other detritus back when I first got serious about this project back in late July.

Actually, the Lifehacker post on singletasking  (which included the link to REALLY organizing your workspace) was what first hit home with this dyed-in-the-wool adherent to multitasking.  There are some salient points made in the article, and if I'm honest, my own experience bears witness to how much more effective I am when I don't try to check Facebook, my blog, reply to email and work messages while simultaneously uploading pictures and editing or writing - and scarfing down lunch.  It all gets done, but usually with a certain amount of heartburn, both figurative and literal.

Just don't quibble with my ability to make coffee, bake biscuits, feed the dog, unload the dishwasher, and start dinner in the slow cooker all at once.  Fully caffeinated, I am a force to be reckoned with in the mornings, if only for a few spectacular moments.

Happy tasking (in whatever modality you choose)!