Jan 17, 2011

I believe I can FLY

Not like Peter Pan. Or R. Kelly's song. Not even Elton John's "Rocket Man" or Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride" which are admittedly more generation-appropriate.

No, this is FLY-ing, as in Flylady. For years I have heeded her basic admonition to shine my sink. It's a habit that has stood me in good stead, and it really does influence how clean the rest of the house tends to stay. But other than my initial enthusiastic effort to embrace her neatnik ways, I haven't really delved into the weekly flight plans with any regularity...and I've got some problem areas in the house that really need regular cleaning and organizing to make and keep them usable.

I like her approach because she understands what makes us tick...why a lot of us will practically kill ourselves to super-clean our home, and then let it slide back into a state of unkempt-ness, almost overnight.  Her methods are logical and won't overwhelm us, no matter how bad our starting point is.  If we consistently follow her tips and schedule, she will break us out of the clean/clutter cycle and get us to the point where we simply maintain a cleaner house, all. the. time.  How great is that?

Enough talking about it...I'm ready to FLY. Last week's focus was on the kitchen, which was right up my alley.  So from the grungy tops of the cabinets to the depths of the refrigerator and even that black hole known as "under the sink," my kitchen is now much more cleaned, organized, and sanitized. This week is bathroom and one extra room...guess it's time to focus on the laundry room!  If you haven't checked out her website, it's worth a little time to nose around in it.  If you do, don't be surprised if you find yourself shining your sink tonight.

Happy flying,

P.S. A special shout-out to my new resident housecleaner.  (She has agreed to a bi-monthly cleaning schedule in exchange for money to pay her Droid's data plan and earn some extra spending money.)  And since she lives here, she has a vested interest in a job well done. Thanks to her, the rest of the house got more than a lick and a promise while I focused on the kitchen last week.)