Jan 8, 2011

This month's resolution? So far, so good.

As I mentioned on January 1, I'm approaching my resolutions a little differently this year, and focusing on one area of improvement each month.  (Trying to change too many things all at once has been my downfall in years past.)

So, putting first things first, January is my time to get back in the routine of regular Bible reading, study, prayer and meditation. A couple years ago, I got halfway through the Bible, but when the summer swim team schedule shifted around, I let the daily readings fall by the wayside. So I'm picking up where I left off, and at a minimum, will finish what I started in about six months.  If the habit is ingrained enough by then, I'll simply start over and keep reading.  (The Bible is definitely not the kind of book you can read once and say you've gotten all there is to learn from it :-)

I'm using a free online tool called habitforge.com to keep me accountable during these early days of re-establishing this habit, and so far it's working. Getting that email every morning and being able to press "YES!" every day is a good feeling. (It's a handy little tool for ANY habit you're trying to adopt - or quit, if it's something you're giving up.)

And every so often, I'll post how I'm doing with the current month's resolution.  I hope everyone who is trying to become healthier, more spiritual, more organized, etc. is faring well with your resolutions.  And if you've already had a slip-up on a resolution, it's okay - every day is a new day to start over.

Happy weekend - it's national bubble bath day!!!