Some bloggers keep their same "signature" header year in and out, but I like changing mine with the seasons - I consider it one of the pros to working in an online environment.
I initially used pre-made headers, but it didn't take me long to shift to using my own photos and free photos from places like
But I confess, I was frequently frustrated (and not terribly skilled) at cobbling photos and text together with Microsoft tools like Publisher and Powerpoint (yes, it is possible, but I don't recommend it.) Here's a rundown of most of my past headers.
I use Picasa almost exclusively to edit my photos and I like that it's free and user-friendly. But until I saw this blog post at Blissfully Domestic, I hadn't bothered to learn how to apply text or create photo collages.
Sarah's step-by-step tutorial made it very easy to create the header you see. Kudos to her skills and gratitude for her generosity in sharing. I might start changing by blog header more frequently, now that I know how easy it is!
Happy blogging,