May 21, 2011

It's the little things.

Our shower saga continues. Every day we pass by our gorgeous new shower, which has yet to be used.  Because it has no door.  The door is ordered, and is promised (pinky promised) for delivery next Tuesday.  (I'm holding you to that, Mr. Shower Door Guy!)

So in the meantime, we have used the upstairs shower (nothing like feeling like a houseguest in your own home, shlepping towel and toiletries in and out of someone else's bathroom...) On workout mornings, we have availed ourselves of the YMCA's showers.

The Y's showers are like most public showers:  hit or miss. Some have broken knobs or drippy showerheads, some have skimpy shower curtains, some don't get much water pressure or much hot water, or both.  I think I've personally identified all the sub-par showers on the women's side.  But a few mornings ago, as I turned off my shower, I heard another one going. Full blast.  And lots of steam rolling out, like it was a nice HOT shower.  I made a mental note of the location and checked myself into that shower stall yesterday morning after a 5K run.  I counted it pure joy.  It blasted me with hot water, and lots of it. And a shower curtain that didn't gap and flap in the breeze.

When we were driving home I mentioned my happy discovery to Mr. Official.  His response? 
"I bet our new shower will have great pressure and lots of hot water too...if we ever get to use it."

Here's to showers of blessings, and lessons of patience.  And to nice hot showers.

Happy day!