Jun 16, 2010

A whirlwind week

I knew it would be an all-out sprint this week, and so far, it has lived up to my expectations.  As a testament to the craziness, I filled up my gas tank last night for the third time in 6 days.  A trip to Knoxville and back last Thursday drained it once.  Then the usual back-and-forth twice to church on Sunday, to/from swim practice on Monday, roundtrip to Smyrna twice on Monday and twice again yesterday, in-town errands, and a trip to Brentwood for a swim meet yesterday...quickly added up to another 350 miles and drained the second tank.  Not to mention, I think I have spent more time behind the wheel this past week than I've spent in my bed sleeping!

On Sunday, we kicked off our 2nd annual School Supply Giveaway drive at Highland Heights.  The next 5 weeks will positively FLY by.  I am blessed to have the same co-leader heading it up with me again this year (she's otherwise known as my partner-in-crime) and we have many returning and new volunteers who want to be involved in the entire process.  One of my favorite expressions is John Heywood's "Many hands make light work."  Very, very true.  Plus it's just more fun to have so many people all pulling in the same direction.  We hope to provide supplies to at least 150 Rutherford county schoolchildren this year.

Today's activities involve watering plants (we've enjoyed several lightning storms over the past few days, but no rain), a dash to my beloved hair dresser for a quick touch-up, and all the last-minute to-do's to gather things I need for this weekend. (Stay tuned for a recap on how the weekend goes!)  Tomorrow morning starts with an oil change for the car, and then I'll be picking up a special something from the Painted Clay Studio.  (Yes, it's all very secretive, at least for now...)

At the rate I'm going, menu planning is out of the question for this week.  Last night, we finally got to grill and enjoy the flat-iron steak, which got pre-empted last week by the white water rafting excursion.  Dinners will be catch-as-catch-can until normalcy returns next week. (Insert insane laughter here.  Normalcy?  What IS that???) I did pull out my KitchenAid and made yummy Reese's Chewy Chocolate Cookies last night.  Not exactly gourmet cooking, but some hungry girls scarfed 'em down when they got back from their "secret devo" last night.  (A super-huge thanks to Wilber and Alison for all they do for our youth group at Highland.)