Nov 22, 2010

Thanksgiving: T-4 and counting

It's here - Thanksgiving week. Woohoo and hoo boy, all rolled into one. It will be a week of frenetic packing, cleaning, and driving - over more than a few rivers and state lines - to get to the grandparents' house.

It's shaping up to be a busy week with lots of last-minute to-do's before we head west. But it's one more week of holding Christmas at bay - no tree or decorations to fuss over and no wrapping paper or bows on the presents just yet. A week to slow down and remind ourselves that we enjoy a bounty of blessings, from tangible and temporal to intangible and infinite. And for me, it's another week of not running, but I'll probably be too busy to miss it much.

To all of our friends, near and far, we send you our thoughts and prayers for a very happy day of giving thanks. To travelers everywhere, we bid you safe travels. To those readying your homes to receive guests, thank you for all you do to make us feel welcome and loved.

To our fellow Americans who are separated from your families because you are keeping us safe from those who would destroy our freedoms, may God guide and protect you and bring you home soon, safe and sound. Know that you are thought of, missed, appreciated and loved, by those who know you best, and strangers whom you will never meet.

Happy Monday,